
PolyTrack 0.3.1

Screenshot of PolyTrack

This update is compatible with 0.3.0, so updating is optional but recommended.

  • Added: In-game Discord link
  • Added: The escape key can now be used to close the leaderboard, track import/export and track selection screens.

  • Changed: When two leaderboard entries have the same time, the person who submitted the record first will be at the top.
  • Changed: Improved the determinism test to be more accurate to prevent invalid replays being submitted.

  • Optimized: Verification process

  • Fixed: Frame color not affecting wheels in leaderboard images
  • Fixed: A rare problem where some valid replays would be marked as invalid
  • Fixed: Long nicknames would create a line break and hide the verification status in the leaderboard
  • Fixed: The track import window was slightly overlapping the game logo
  • Fixed: Error if wheel audio plays before audio panners had been initialized